Stanford Code in Place線上Python入門課程 - Week 4
Stanford Python程式課 - 第四週
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Code in Place 第四週課程 Lesson 10: Lists |
Lesson 10: List 清單
- 創建、修改清單 List
- 以迴圈方式存取清單元素 Loop over List
Mutable vs Immutable when Passed as Parameters
- Mutable: variables act like they are copied
- Immutable: variables act lie their URL is copied
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Lesson 10 Lists: Mutable vs Immutable Variables |
Lecture 10-1: Intro
Lecture 10-2: Using the console
Lecture 10-3: Lists
Lecture 10-4: List functions
Lecture 10-5: List looping
Lecture 10-6: List as params
Lecture 10-7: Average scores
延伸閱讀Python Reader
點我到 List 課程程式範例
Lesson 11: Text 文字
文字處理有很多令人驚訝的用途,例如研究人員跟醫生發現人類的基因組測序 (DNA sequence) 的問題可以將 DNA 當成字串來運算處理!
課程介紹的真實應用案例是非洲迦納的程式設計工程師 mPedigree 公司,利用手機簡訊回傳藥品包裝上的字串,透過金鑰確認是否為真藥或偽藥的問題,Python程式範例在文章最後。
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Code in Place 範例:mPedigree 公司利用字串簡訊解決偽藥問題 |
- 了解Python的字串
- 字串是 immutable
- 以迴圈處理字串、創建新字串
Lecture 11-1: Introduction
Lecture 11-2: Revisiting Strings
Lecture 11-3: Immutability
Lecture 11-4: String Functions
Lecture 11-5: String Processing
Lecture 11-6: mPedigree Goldenkeys
延伸閱讀Python Reader
點我到Text 程式範例
未完待續 ...
List 程式範例
""" File: --------------------- This program contains examples of using different functionality of lists to show how you can do different list operations. """ def access_list_elements(): """ Shows an example of accessing individual elements in a list as well as overwriting a value. """ num_list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] print('num_list =', num_list) print('num_list[0] =', num_list[0]) print('num_list[1] =', num_list[1]) print('Setting num_list[0] to 15') num_list[0] = 15 print('num_list =', num_list) def print_individual_list_elements(): """ Shows an example of using a for-loop with range to iterate through the elements of a list. """ letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] print('letters =', letters) print('length of letters =', len(letters)) for i in range(len(letters)): print(i, "->", letters[i]) def appending_elements(): """ Shows two examples of using appending elements onto lists. """ alist = [10, 20, 30] print('alist =', alist) print('Appending 40 to alist') alist.append(40) print('Appending 50 to alist') alist.append(50) print('alist =', alist) new_list = [] print('new_list =', new_list) print('Appending a to new_list') new_list.append('a') print('Appending 4.3 to new_list') new_list.append(4.3) print('new_list =', new_list) def popping_elements(): """ Shows an example of popping elements off a list. """ alist = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] print('alist =', alist) x = alist.pop() print('popped element from alist, got', x) print('alist =', alist) x = alist.pop() print('popped element from alist, got', x) print('alist =', alist) x = alist.pop() print('popped element from alist, got', x) print('alist =', alist) x = alist.pop() print('popped element from alist, got', x) print('alist =', alist) x = alist.pop() print('popped element from alist, got', x) print('alist =', alist) def look_up_elements(): """ Shows an example of using 'in' to check if a value is contained in a list. """ str_list = ['Ruth', 'John', 'Sonia'] print('str_list =', str_list) if 'Sonia' in str_list: print('Sonia is in str_list') def for_each_loop(): """ Shows an example of using a for-each loop with a list. """ str_list = ['Ruth', 'John', 'Sonia'] for elem in str_list: print(elem) def main(): """ We call a number of different functions that show the results of different list operations to show examples of how they work. """ access_list_elements() print_individual_list_elements() appending_elements() popping_elements() look_up_elements() for_each_loop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" File: --------------------- This program contains examples of using lists as parameters, especially in different type of for loops. """ def add_five_buggy(alist): """ Attempts to add 5 to all the elements in the list. BUGGY CODE! Does not actually add 5 to the list elements if values are primitive type (like int or float), since value would just be a local copy of such variables. """ for value in alist: value += 5 def add_five_working(alist): """ Successfully adds 5 to all the elements in the list. Changes made to the list persist after this function ends since we are changing actual values in the list. """ for i in range(len(alist)): alist[i] += 5 def create_new_list(alist): """ Shows an example of what happens when you create a new list that has the same name as a parameter in a function. After you create the new list, you are no longer referring to the parameter "alist" that was passed in """ # This "alist" is referring to the parameter "alist" alist.append(9) # Creating a new "alist". This is not the same as the parameter # passed in. After this line references to "alist" are no longer # referring to the parameter "alist" that was passed in. alist = [1, 2, 3] def main(): values = [5, 6, 7, 8] print('values =', values) add_five_buggy(values) print('values =', values) add_five_working(values) print('values =', values) values = [5, 6, 7, 8] create_new_list(values) print('values =', values) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
""" File: ---------------------- This program reads score values from a user and computes their average. It also adds extra credit to all the scores and computes the new average. """ EXTRA_CREDIT = 5 def get_scores(): """ Asks the user for a list of scores (numbers). Returns a list containing the scores """ score_list = [] while True: score = float(input("Enter score (0 to stop): ")) if score == 0: break score_list.append(score) return score_list def compute_average(score_list): """ Returns the average value of the list of scores passed in. """ num_scores = len(score_list) total = sum(score_list) return total / num_scores def give_extra_credit(score_list, extra_credit_value): """ Adds extra_credit_value to all the values in score_list. """ for i in range(len(score_list)): score_list[i] += extra_credit_value def print_list(alist): """ Prints all the values in the list passed in """ for value in alist: print(value) def main(): """ Computes average for a set of scores entered by the user. Then adds extra credit to scores and recomputes average. """ scores = get_scores() print("Scores are:") print_list(scores) avg = compute_average(scores) print('Average score is', avg) print('Adding extra credit:', EXTRA_CREDIT, "points") give_extra_credit(scores, EXTRA_CREDIT) print("New scores are:") print_list(scores) avg = compute_average(scores) print('New average is', avg) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Text 程式範例
import random N_LABELS = 5000 def main(): for i in range(N_LABELS): rand_part = pad(random.randint(0, 99999), 5) unique_part = pad(i, 4) id = rand_part + unique_part print(id) def pad(num, length): """ >>> pad(42, 4) '0042' >>> pad(100, 3) '100' """ num_string = str(num) while len(num_string) < length: # insert a 0 at the start of the string, increasing its length by one num_string = "0" + num_string return num_string if __name__ == "__main__": main()
Code in Place
Computer Science
CS 106A